Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 Begins

Today in room 9 we had lots of fun getting to know more about each other.  Mrs Wood made up a game which we played called The Stone Game.  We had to layout out stepping stones and then randomly place some typed words on these.  We took turns to throw the dice and then landed on the different stones.  If we landed on one that had words on it, we had to follow the instruction.  Some of the things we had to do were:  give someone a compliment, ask someone a question, ask someone what their favourite food is, show what you could do to make someone in the class feel happy.  We found this to be a fun game and we learnt lots of new things about each other.  For example, Kohen loves chocolate while Karen is frightened of crocodiles and lions.  We discovered that we could be friendly by smiling, including someone in their game or saying something nice to someone.    Mrs Wood was very proud of how we worked together as a team by taking turns and sharing, being responsible in the way we tidied up and the way we listened so carefully to the instructions!  These photos show us playing the game.Term 1 Begins on PhotoPeach


  1. Hi Room 9. Looks like you have been up to some wonderful things so far this year. We are looking forward to catching up with your learning throughout the year.
    Mrs Paterson and Room 10 Outram

  2. Great video Room 9.Sow the roosters awall.Both of them look faulis. Madison
