A long time ago in a swamp, a pukeko was asleep. In the morning Pukeko was just about frozen because it was so cold, so Pukeko decided to find a new home. He went into the forest. Suddenly he saw a painter painting the fence in the forest. He took a step back and he stood on a stick. “Crack,” said the stick. The painter looked back at the Pukeko and he ran up to the Pukeko shouting, “shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo.” The Pukeko ran and got away from the painter. Pukeko was shaking. He went over to the beach. He fell into some water. It had blue paint in it. When he hopped out he was covered in blue paint. Pukeko liked it. He thought he was beautiful, as beautiful as a parrot but he was cold so he went back into the forest to find a home. He flew to a tree that had a hole in it. Pukeko loved it so he decided to live there. One day when Pukeko set out to find some food, he noticed that all the birds were looking at him. When Pukeko went home he saw a bird in his home. It was a girl bird. The bird woke up. She was surprised to see a pukeko in her house The birds were just about to start a fight then “stomp, stomp, stomp” a man was coming to cut the trees. The man cut one, then two, then three trees, then he was going to cut the tree that Pukeko and the bird were in. The Pukeko jumped out of the tree and the bird flew out of the tree. The Pukeko and bird flew out of the forest. The Pukeko was sad that he didn’t have a home so the bird and Pukeko walked and walked and walked and walked until they were in a different forest but it wasn’t a different forest it was the same one they were at before. So they kept walking, then they stopped and took a step back and their eyes just about popped out since they were open so wide. They they saw a beautiful forest and decided to go and live in there. So they went into the forest to get a home. When they went to the end of the forest, there standing right in front of them was a bird house, so the bird and pukeko decided to live there. Some other birds and pukekos wanted to live there so the pukeko and bird said they could live there with them.
pukekorific Isabel.
ReplyDeleteby Alex.