Monday, April 11, 2011

Why Autumn Leaves Change Colour - By Zane

1.   At summer time the leaves are busy making food
2.  Chlorophyll makes the leaves green colour
3.  When the tree stops making food it changes colour
4.  When the chlorophyll disappers, yellow and orange shows
5.  When they combine it makes red
6.  No sun - no chlorophyll

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. Trees are such impressive plants. In England leaves tend to come on the trees fully, in May and they last until about November. I guess where you are it is the opposite? As well as the absence on chlorophyl, trees are also getting rid of their waste products, poisons known as tannins. This is one way trees excrete! My children love the imagery.
    A lot of people say that pine trees don't shed their needles, however have any of you ever walked through a pine plantation?

    Mr E
