Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beach Education - By Bayliss

Yesterday Room 9 and Room 10 went to beach education.  Beach education is when you learn about the beach.  We went to the beach at the start of school.  First we had to call the roll then we went.  When we got there we put our stuff in the changing rooms and then we went into the life guards rooms.  We sat on their mat and they told us the ten rules about the beach.  Here are some of the rules:
1.  never swim tired or cold
2.  be sun smart
3.  learn how to row if the water pulls you in to the sea.
We then played a game.  People had to say, "slip, slop, wrap, slurp and slide" fast.  Mrs McKay said it the fastest.  She said it in three seconds (that's incredible!).  Then it was just about morning tea time.  Then we went over the ten rules.  We had to say them all over again without looking.  Peter went up and he said the ten rules.  Each time he said one of the rules the life guards wrote it down.  Then it was morning tea time.  We all went and got our morning tea and we all ate it at the park.  After that we had a play and then we went back and the life guards showed us the safety board room and the boat room.  It was awesome.  We went back and they showed us a suitcase with stuff they use to help people if they got stung by a jelly fish or if you drowned but you were still breathing.  It was something they put on your mouth to make you breathe properly.  The life guards said it was lunchtime and then we went swimming on the beach.  First we played a couple of games.  Finally we went swimming.  It was fun because we were jumping the waves and going boogie boarding.  It was amazing but we had to go.  We were all cold so we got hosed to get the sand off us and hen we got dried and dressed.  Then we left to go back to school.  


  1. Great writing and descriptions Bayliss. It is really good you know the rules about how to stay safe at the beach. We really enjoyed your story.

  2. Hi Bayliss!
    The senior team enjoyed Beach Ed as well. I loved your recount, Bayliss - it is so neat to see your class sharing their learning on line... what a great way for family, friends and interested parties to stay in touch with what you are all up to! :)
