Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our Sunflower Diary - by Room 9 Writers

Sunflower Diary Day 6 on PhotoPeach

Awesome Sunflowers on PhotoPeach

Day 1:  Room 9 were planting sunflowers and we talked about not to put our head over the soil mis so we do not get sick.  We also have to put the soil in some egg containers.  When we finished that, we put our seeds over by the sink.  The sunflowers should grow bigger than our class.  After all those steps we put newspaper over it and then we have to wait for them to grow.  We really have to wait for 5 or 10 days.  It is sad because they will only last for a year.  But well that's okay because we will have them right now.  - photos and writing by Kayla and Hamish

Saturday, October 29, 2011

How to plant a Sunflower - by Wesley

Our class arrived back at school on Monday after a lovely 2 week holiday.  As part of our Inquiry learning about 'colour', we planted sunflower seeds.  We will tell you more later as to why we did this, but in the meantime here are some instructions on how to plant a sunflower in case you would like to do it.

What you will need:

  • a section of an egg carton by cutting is with scissors
  • seed mixture
  • gloves (plastic)
  • water in a spray bottle
  • one sheet of newspaper
  1. Put plastic gloves on your hands
  2. Cut a section of the egg carton
  3. Fill the egg carton with seed mixture
  4. Poke a shallow hole in the seed mixture and put the seed in
  5. Cover the hole with seed mixture - just enough to cover the seed
  6. Water the seed with spray bottle with water inside
  7. Cover the egg carton with the seed mixture and with newspaper.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why Pandas are Black and White - by Bee

In Australia there was a zoo with a bright orange panda.  A zoo keeper came to feed the panda some food.  Then the zookeeper walked out.  The zoo keeper forgot to close the cate. The panda walked out of the cage.  The orange panda travelled 50 metres to the chocolate factory.  The panda thought that it was a bamboo factory but it wasn’t.  It was a chocolate factory.  He wandered in.  The orange panda saw a humungous pot of chocolate.  It was 4 metres tall and the panda was only 2 metres tall.  He reached up and jumped up.  Splash!  He fell in as chocolate went all over the walls and floor.  He quickly jumped out.  Chocolate dropped onto the floor.  He ran all the way back to the zoo and he was a happy black and white panda. 

Nowadays when you visit a zoo, you might see a black and white panda.  

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Birds Up the Trees by Sakina

It is the school holidays at the moment but it's great to see that Sakina is still writing.  She was at home looking at the birds and then decided to write a poem about what she saw.  If you get a chance, please write a comment to encourage Sakina in her writing.

Birds up the trees - a poem by Sakina 

Birds birds up in the trees flying everywhere
Wish you can make me fly
If you did I can be up in the sky
And see houses and grass and trees from up the sky
When I’m up in the sky it would make my day wonderful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Irish Rugby Team Visit - By Nick

On Friday Room 9 went to the hall very quietly.  We waited and waited for the Irish team to come.  Finally they came but only four of them came.  “Hey look!  There’s Obrien!  Wow he’s my favourite player in the Irish team.”  When they sat on the chairs some of the boys did the haka.  I was in the haka.  Crash-boom the boys went crazy.  Argh!!  The haka was finally finished.  Yay.  A miracle – I just did the haka to the Irish team.  When they left the bell rang for 3 p.m.  

Middle Team Production by Billy

Yesterday room 9 went to the PAC centre to practice for the middle team production.  We had to put our costumes on at our houses.  We had to get our face painted in the green room.  Then it was time to go to the stage and start.  When I got on the stage, I went, “wow, look at all of the people in the PAC centre.”  I was paranoid of the audience.  The whole middle team had to sing three songs.  They were Sunbeams Black and White, Mellow Yellow and I Like the Greens.  When it was finished we had to show Mrs Wood our mum so we could get a lollipop and go.

Strike Percussion Group - By Katie

The noise was ear piercing but on the other hand sensational.  “thump, thumpty, thump,” crashed the drums.  Vibrations rattled through my ears as the band ‘Strike’ crashed on the drums.  I was sure that soon the drums would give way and fall to pieces.  Phew, they stopped.  “This is the world’s best rock band,” I whispered to Maddie.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Rugby World Cup - Irish Rugby Team

Rugby World Cup 2011 - Irish Rugby Team – By Marcel

Today the Irish team came to our school.  It was really exciting.  All the boys got to do the haka for them and there were T.V. cameras there.  It was so cool.  I was quivering when we did the haka as I was nervous because it was frightening to do it in front of the Irish team.  They gave St Clair School a Gilbert rugby ball that they used to play rugby with.  One of the Irish players gave a speech about what they do and about their tour around the schools in Dunedin.  It was good to see them because some people won’t get to the game that the Irish team are going to play!  They played it against the Italians.  It was a good match. 

Click on the link below to see Channel 9 News coverage of the Irish Team's visit to St Clair School.  

Irish Rugby Team Visit